Saturday, January 17, 2009

Blog #2

When looking for similarities between modern world and pictures in the last 3 chapters I noticed resemblence between style of old Greek temples and some modern buildings that want to project stability. For example the façade culomns on the New York Stock Exchange building are very similar to those on the Temple of the Olympian Zeus in Athens.


  1. Very good observation? Where do you think Greek Architure came into play in the United States? Its interesting to see that America has taken shape from different countries.

  2. I agree! It's amazing how something from so long ago can still influence the way we build today! I idea of strength and permanence is definitely portrayed in both pictures. In this economy... I believe the Stock Exchange could use a bit more columns...(haha funny funny!)

  3. Great observation. The style of the columns and Greek architecture is classical, ageless.

  4. Refreshing to see the use of Greek architecture compared to modern day architecture instead of Egyptian architecture. Great observation. Isn't it interesting how we still use ancient architecture in our buildings and art today?

  5. I agree with Taylor. It is also nice to see Greek Architecture live on in much smaller private homes as well as the larger public buildings!
